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May 2018 Newsletter

Spring Cleaning for Your Mental Health

Spring cleaning can have more than just physical benefits. Ridding yourself of old belongings, poor relationships, excessive technology consumption, and more can have a tremendous impact on your brain function and mental health.

Why Decluttering Is Good for Your Health

Sometimes parting with different facets of your life can be challenging, but allowing the ‘mental’ clutter to remain could contribute to poor wellness overall. This season, it may be worth taking the extra time to evaluate how you can “Spring Clean” your life in more ways than just your coat closet.

At Wellspring Behavioral Health, we offer psychological and neuropsychological assessments for people of all ages to act as a resource when making decisions about medical or psychological treatment options, education, career opportunities, employment, or appropriate living situations.

Contact us at Wellspring Behavioral Health today to learn more about psychological assessments and how it can impact your mental wellbeing.

The Hidden Health Hazards of Toxic Relationships

Living in the midst of toxic relationships, whether it be from a significant other, coworker, parent, or friend can have a serious impact on both physical and mental health. In fact, being surrounded in an unhealthy environment can contribute towards feelings of stress, anxiety, and other medical issues.

If you are questioning whether you are in a toxic relationship, answer these questions to help you better understand the nature of the relationships you have.

The Health Benefits of a Digital Detox

Technology undoubtably plays a key role in our society and everyday life. However, as advancements in technology continue to grow, so does our tech consumption, which can negatively impact our wellbeing through our physical health, mental state, and our sleep quality.

Being constantly engaged online can have negative consequences on our physical health by keeping users sedentary for most of the day. Mentally, users can have feelings of envy or jealousy when seeing others online, leading to stress and anxiety. In addition, plugging into a digital device before bed has been proven to decrease the quality of sleep users are receiving.

Read more about the health benefits of a digital detox

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