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September 2017 Newsletter

Recharging Your Health and Wellness

“No matter how much it gets abused, the body can restore balance. The first rule is to stop interfering with nature.” — Deepak Chopra 

Now that summer is officially over and the fall season has commenced, it’s time to refocus on what’s important: your body, your mind, and your overall health. Summer may have brought new things into your life – the late nights, spontaneity, and deviation from your normal routine, but there’s no reason for panic. You can get back into the swing of a healthy routine by developing healthy habits to improve your health and wellness just in time for the holidays and get a jump start on the new year, too. This way, you can easily carry these healthy routines into the new year, making it easier to maintain and manage moving forward.

Improving your overall health and wellness of both mind and body can be a team effort. Out team at Wellspring Behavioral Health is here for all the support you need, no matter what changes or life events you may be going through. Contact us at Wellspring Behavioral Health today to learn more about how we can help you start living fully.

The Health Benefits of Unplugging from Technology

In our society where technology rules, it’s hard to escape the screens that surround us. We find ourselves continually dialed in to communicate with the world around us. While it may be difficult at first to put the phone or computer away and out of sight, there are real health benefits to unplugging from technology – such as improved quality of life, better sleep habits, and improving your interpersonal communication.

Sometimes, all it takes is doing it habitually to make us realize there’s more to life than our smartphones.

Read all the wellness and health benefits of unplugging…

7 Habits for a Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body

There are many “secrets” to achieving optimal health and wellness, but most people don’t know that in order to find them, we should look at our evolutionary biology.

The history of human evolution shows a definitive link between our physical health and our psychological well-being. The Greeks even understood the importance of a sound mind in a sound body. That credo became the foundation of their civilization and now, we should look to our past to find clues on how we can best achieve our optimal well-being in the present and for the future.

The 7 habits you need to develop for a healthy mind in a healthy body…

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